COVID-19 Crisis: News and Updates from Cedar Lane

Dear Residents and Family Members,

These are times like no other. I want to assure you that we are closely monitoring the ever-changing dynamics of this health crisis and are reevaluating the needs and priorities of our community day by day.

Prolonged periods of self-isolation are not easy. I am deeply grateful to those of you who are following Governor Hogan’s directives to stay home, wash your hands frequently, and practice social distancing when you must go out — all of which greatly reduces your risk of exposure to COVID-19.

Unfortunately, I still see some residents gathering in the common spaces without maintaining the recommended distance of 6 to 10 feet. I implore you to do your part to fight the spread of COVID-19 by staying home and practicing social distancing.

Here are this week’s news items and updates:

  • As of today, there are no known cases of COVID-19 at Cedar Lane. Residents are doing well but miss the comradery.
  • We encourage you to establish a buddy system. Trade phone numbers and call each other frequently to check in, stay in touch and pass the time with conversation.
  • If you are in short supply of food, water or medications, please call the Front Desk to report your personal situation.
  • Remember to clean and sanitize all the frequently touched surfaces of your apartment including your counters, faucets, doorknobs and toilet handle. Do not forget your cell phone and walker handles.
  • This week’s response to the DOA&HS meal program was overwhelming. We are fortunate that our site is one of two County programs still in operation. There is a set number of meals allocated for Cedar Lane and we had 34% more requests than could be accommodated. We apologize for any frustration and disappointment you may have experienced.
  • A Weekend Meal Program is available for $63/month. It includes two boxed meals delivered each Friday, as well as holidays. Contact the Finance Department if you are interested in signing up for this program.
  • The Resident Food Panty is open in the Church Building Reflection Room; we request that you only take items that you can use.
  • Channel 2 is filled with useful information on special senior shopping hours, free prescription delivery and everything you need to know about COVID-19.
  • Channel 67, our in-house movie channel, now features original content including meditation hour and Cedar Lane photos capturing exciting events from the past in addition to movies. Tonya is planning surprise videos and features to share with you on the movie channel in the coming days, so be sure to tune in.
  • Would you like to receive a free daily check-in call? Register for Senior Call Check by calling 1-866-50-CHECK.
  • The STS bus system is now limiting trips to just 10 riders at a time. Revised rules are posted in the Church Building lobby.
  • The postal carrier is now picking up outgoing mail at the Front Desk. If you are unable to drop off your outgoing mail at the Front Desk, please contact the receptionist to make arrangements.
  • In accordance with guidance from the MD Department of Health and Governor Hogan, some Cedar Lane staff members are teleworking. This includes Emma Morris, Kirk Turner, Tonya Tyer, Jennifer Bruckler, Natasha Guy and Bonita Lyles-Barnes. We request your patience with decreased staffing onsite. Your phone calls to Kirk will be forwarded to him. Documents for Emma, including re-certification, are to be placed in a sealed envelope, with Emma’s name clearly marked, and given to the receptionist at the Front Desk.
  • April rent bills will be sent out shortly. Payment is due by Monday, April 6. Please note that the Finance Office will be closed. Residents are to pay their bills using the drop boxes located at the Finance Office or in the lobby of the Church Building. We cannot accept cash. Please do not place cash in the drop box. If you have a question about your bill, please call the main number and ask for the Finance Office. Staff will answer your call if available, or please leave a message and you will receive a call back.

If you have any questions regarding Cedar Lane policies, procedures and the latest response to COVID-19, please contact Wanda Fenwick, Executive Administrative Assistant at 301-475-8966 ext. 24.

As a community, we are better when we work together. With your patience and understanding, we will all come through this difficult challenge stronger than ever. Thank you for being an essential part of Cedar Lane.



Beverly Stickles

President & CEO