COVID-19 Community Update – April 10, 2020

Dear Cedar Lane Community Members,

As of today’s date, there are no known cases of COVID-19 at Cedar Lane Senior Living Community. However, this virus has had a devastating impact on the State of Maryland, and it appears that we are in this for the long haul. Here are the latest updates:


First, thank you for paying your rent on time and for not paying in cash. We truly appreciate your cooperation.


All staff members and caregivers are now required to wear a mask while at Cedar Lane, per a directive from Dr. Brewster of the St. Mary’s County Health Department.


Residents are also strongly encouraged to wear a mask when in public spaces. Fortunately, several volunteers at Cedar Lane and in the greater community have donated masks within the last few days. Free masks will be distributed to residents with the DOA&HS meals on Monday April 13, 2020. For those who do not participate in the DOA&HS meal program, free masks will be available by contacting Wanda Fenwick at 301-475-8966, ext. 24.


While there are no KNOWN cases of COVID-19 at Cedar Lane, health experts now warn that people without symptoms can spread the virus. You cannot assume that everyone is healthy.It is critically important that we follow public health guidance to stay at home. When you absolutely must go out, remain physically apart from everyone else – a minimum distance of six feet.

We have received concerned reports of neighbors gathering to share meals, sitting together on benches, and groups conversing by the main entrance, making it impossible for essential visitors to enter and maintain the necessary distance.

It is human nature to seek out company. No one relishes the prospect of being alone. However, in this new reality, I am asking you to put the greater good of our entire community first and limit your socializing to phone calls, emails, video chats, letters or notes. Staff will patrol the campus as much as possible, however I am expecting each of you to be responsible citizens and follow Governor Hogan’s orders. Kindly offer a friendly reminder to those who fail to adhere to social distancing.


This is not an easy time. If you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression or anxiety, there is a way to get connected and get help — call 2-1-1 from your phone. If you would rather chat by text, you can send your zip code to 898-211 or visit These resources are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in more than 180 languages.


Kirk Turner is available by phone if you have any questions or need assistance with connecting to a resource in the community. He is also ready to assist residents with online responses to the 2020 Census. It takes just a few minutes and is very important to complete. Kirk can be reached at 301-475-8966 ext. 14


Our postal carrier John is happy to pick up postage stamps for Cedar Lane residents.  Just leave money in an envelope at the Front Desk with John’s name, your name, your apartment number, the words “postage stamps†with the number of stamps requested.  John will purchase the stamps at the post office for you and return your stamps with the next day’s mail.  US postage stamps are 55 cents each.

I know this has not been easy. This situation is testing everyone’s patience and spirit. What we all want most is for this to be over and life to go back to normal. It is simply not possible to know how this pandemic will end because this virus is completely new to humans. There is no playbook. With each new development, we are making choices based on the knowledge we have. Thank you for putting your trust in us to make the best decisions we can for everyone at Cedar Lane.

I would love to hear from you. If you have questions, comments, concerns or ideas to make life at Cedar Lane a little easier during this challenging time, please call Wanda Fenwick at 1-301-475-8966, extension 24. Stay in and stay healthy.


Beverly A. Stickles

President & CEO