Community Update – May 28, 2020

Community Update: May 28, 2020

Dear residents, families, staff, caregivers and friends:

We hope this message finds you, your family, and your friends safe and well. Here are this week’s news items:

COVID-19 Update

As of today, there are still no known cases of COVID-19 at Cedar Lane. However St. Mary’s County continues to see a rise in confirmed cases, including yesterday’s reported outbreak of COVID-19 involving St. Mary’s County Public Schools employees. We know some of our community members have friends and family members who have tested positive. We hope they are doing better and get well. While Governor Hogan announced that Maryland will ease more coronavirus-related restrictions this Friday, he stressed that older adults and those with underlying medical issues are still “safest at home.â€

So, What Is Safe?

It has been more than two months of self-isolation for many of us. The urge to get out and enjoy the nicer weather is real. But what exactly is safe? Public health experts warn that there is no such thing as a zero-risk outing right now. We can think of transmission risk with a simple phrase: TIME, SPACE, PEOPLE, PLACE. Here’s the rule of thumb: The more time you spend and the closer in space you are to people, the higher your risk. Interacting with more people raises your risk, and indoor places are riskier than outdoors.

Always choose outdoor activities over indoor activities, always choose masking over not masking, and always choose to put more space between you and other people. Taking a walk outside is safer than browsing at a store. Taking a drive with people you’ve been quarantined with for weeks is safer than meeting friends from another county where COVID-19 cases are rampant.

Your personal risk depends on your age and health, the prevalence of the virus in your area and the precautions you take during any of these activities. For your health and the wellbeing of everyone at Cedar Lane, we are counting on you to make responsible decisions including washing your hands frequently, wearing your mask, maintaining a social distance and avoiding any high-risk outings that are not absolutely essential.

The truth is St. Mary’s County has not seen a return to normalcy yet and it’s not exactly fun out there right now. As Maryland begins allowing public areas and businesses to reopen, remember — you are still safest at home.

Campus Comings and Goings

Two of your neighbors have arranged to move belongings with the assistance of family members. There will be move-related activity in the Church and Burch Buildings between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Friday, May 29, and again in the Church Building on Saturday, May 30, 2020. To limit any potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus, we request that you remain in your apartment while these moves take place. If you must go out, please wear your mask and practice social distancing.

Non-residents assisting with this move will be required to wear a mask, pass the temperature check and health screening at the front desk, and proceed straight to the apartment where the move is taking place. We will clean and disinfect all high-touch surfaces again extensively after their departure. One of these moves is a move-out, and one is our first move-in since the COVID-19 outbreak. For your safety, your new neighbor has agreed to completely quarantine for her first 14 days at Cedar Lane. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to accommodate these moves while safeguarding the rest of the community.

Senior Companion Program Ending

The Southern Maryland Tri-County Community Action Committee announced this week the discontinuation of the Senior Companion Program effective June 30.

Free Fried Chicken Dinner from Friends of Cedar Lane – Thursday, June 4

Since we can all use a little pick-me-up, the Friends of Cedar Lane board members are sponsoring a free Fried Chicken Dinner catered by down-home favorite Rita B. The meal includes parsley potatoes, green beans, rolls and butter, beets and applesauce. This complimentary meal will be delivered by Cedar Lane staff to every resident on campus starting at 3 p.m. We ask that you be in your apartment Thursday afternoon to receive your meal. Please contact Wanda @ Ext. 24 only if you DO NOT wish to have a dinner delivered to your apartment.

With sincerest appreciation, 

Beverly A. Stickles

President & CEO