Community Update: May 22, 2020

Dear residents, families, staff, caregivers and friends:

I realize many of you are anxious to see an easing of restrictions and a return to social activities. I want that too, when it can be done safely. Until then, thank you for your patience and understanding while we keep measures in place to protect the health and well-being of all Cedar Lane residents. You may recall that last Friday’s weather was absolutely beautiful, sunny and 85º.  It was wonderful to see residents engaging with others, soaking up the sun and adhering to social distancing guidelines.  I was so proud of each one of you. 

COVID-19 Update

As of today, there are no known cases of COVID-19 at Cedar Lane.

Cedar Lane staff are available to assist you with chores that you may find overwhelming. Our goal is for everyone to stay safe.  Call the front desk if you need assistance with heavy items such as groceries, trash removal or laundry.  In addition, remember, Kirk Turner and Crystal King, our Service Coordinators are available by phone to help you get through this stressful time.  Kirk at 301-475-8966 ext. 14 and Crystal at 301-475-8966 ext. 18.

Memorial Day Closings and DOA&HS Meal Delivery

As a reminder, Monday is a holiday and Cedar Lane’s offices will be closed.  The Department of Aging & Human Services will also be closed for the holiday, next week’s DOA&HS meals will be delivered on Tuesday, May 26, 2020.  Have a safe and socially distanced holiday weekend.

June Invoices

Invoices for June will be distributed early next week, and will be delivered directly to apartment doors unless we have specific instructions to mail or email.   Please remember that payment must be by check, money order or SNAP card (food only)—cash is not accepted.  A separate payment is required for meal plan fees.  If you are paying with SNAP, please call the Finance Office at 301-475-8966 ext. 11 to arrange processing.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Economic Impact Payment (EIP)

Many of you have already received your EIP from the federal government, either by direct deposit, paper check, or deposit onto your Social Security debit card.  If you have not received your payment, be aware that some payments may be sent on a prepaid debit card known as The Economic Impact Payment Card, sponsored by the Treasury Department.  Be aware that the card will arrive in a plain envelope from “Money Network Cardholder Services.†  The VISA name will appear on the front of the card; the back of the card has the name of the issuing bank, MetaBank.  Information included with the card will explain what it is and how to use it.  If you have questions about the Economic Impact Payment or need assistance tracking your payment, please call Kirk at 301-475-8966 ext. 14 or Crystal at 301-475-8966 ext. 18.

Resident Dinner Funded by Friends of Cedar Lane

We are excited to announce that there is an activity on the calendar — a “Socially Distant†Resident Dinner funded by Friends of Cedar Lane. Residents will receive a delicious, complimentary dinner delivered to their apartments. We are in the process of working out the logistics with the caterer. Look for a flier with further details coming soon. As a side note, I want to thank those of you who suggested this special treat on the recent Activities Survey. You ask – we listen! If you have not returned your completed survey, it’s not too late.  We love hearing your thoughts and ideas.

Garvey Senior Activity Center

Alice Allen and her staff are busy preparing for the public opening of the all-new Garvey Senior Activities Center, which will feature a fitness studio for group classes, outdoor pickleball courts, an expanded exercise room, an art room with natural light, and easy access to all the programs and resources of the new library. The date of the public opening is still unknown due to COVID-19 closings.  We have been promised a private tour of the new Leonardtown Library/Garvey Senior Activity Center.  Alice is excited to show off the new building to Cedar Lane residents and staff.  I will keep you posted on the date of our private tour.

Hurricane Season is Nearly Here

The Department of Emergency Services reminds us all that Atlantic hurricane season officially starts June 1 and goes through November 30.  Hurricane researchers are predicting an above-average 2020 Atlantic hurricane season. Our maintenance team is ensuring that Cedar Lane’s equipment and systems are ready for what the next several months may bring. You can prepare by assembling an emergency kit for yourself with enough nonperishable food, water, necessary supplies and medications to last for at least three days.

Medication Disposal Pouches

Do you have expired medications or medications that you no longer use? Through a State grant, the MD Department of Aging has provided a limited quantity of free medication disposal pouches to Cedar Lane. To use the pouch, simply place the medicines you wish to discard into the pouch and add water. Whether you insert pills, patches or liquids, the medication is rendered inert and permanently unusable. The pouch can then be safely disposed of in your household trash. If you are interested in a medication disposal pouch, please call Kirk at 301-475-8966 ext. 14.

I value everyone who lives at Cedar Lane and all of the remarkable people who support our community. We are always open to your creative ideas on how to strengthen community bonds during this pandemic despite the current restrictions. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Wanda Fenwick at 301-475-8966 ext. 24.

With sincerest appreciation, 

Beverly A. Stickles

President & CEO