Community Update – January 29, 2021

Dear Cedar Lane residents, families & friends,

I’m opening today’s update with two pieces of good news. The first: as of today, Cedar Lane has no known active cases of COVID-19. The second: our next onsite vaccine clinic has been scheduled. With reports of vaccine demand far exceeding supply, our community is incredibly fortunate to be given this opportunity by the St. Mary’s County Health Department.

Our second vaccine clinic will take place on February 2:

Thanks to everyone who filled out pre-registration forms this week. For those who registered, your appointment time is attached to this update. If this is your second dose of the vaccine, it is important to bring the Vaccination Record card that you received with you. If you have misplaced your Vaccination Record card, please call the front desk right away and ask for Crystal. To avoid the lines and crowds that we experienced at the first clinic, the appointment times will be more spread out. We need your help to safely social distance. Please come at your scheduled appointment time and do not come early. If you have questions, please call the Front Desk and ask for Crystal.

 Do we have to continue with precautions after we’ve been vaccinated?

It may seem counterintuitive, but health officials say that even after you get vaccinated against COVID-19, you still need to practice the usual pandemic precautions, at least for a while. That means steering clear of crowds, continuing to wear a good mask in public, maintaining 6 feet or more of distance from people outside your household and frequently washing your hands.

Our campus-wide lock replacement projects will begin February 15 or 22:

Lock replacement will begin in the Colton-Weinberg Building and continue until all locks campus-wide are changed. Installers accompanied by a member of Cedar Lane’s maintenance team will come door to door with the new locks. You can choose to leave your apartment while we switch out the lock, or just social distance inside. Your current apartment key card will be replaced with a contact-free key fob. Residents and any family members/care givers who currently have a key card can trade in their old key card for a new fob.

Finance & Administration Director Christine Senese will soon be retiring:

Chris Senese, Director of Finance and Administration, has announced plans to retire at the end of February. Since April of 2009, she has worked to ensure we have clean audits, balanced budgets, and healthy financial reserves. Beyond fiscal responsibility, Chris never fails to set an example as a kind and thoughtful human being who has made us all better for having knowing her. Chris, you will be truly missed. A search is currently on to find Cedar Lane’s next Director of Finance and Administration. If you know someone who is interested in the position, please direct them to to apply.

Borrow an iPad Tablet:

With Cares Act funding, Cedar Lane has purchased four iPad tablets for residents to use. Now it’s easy and effortless to enjoy video visits with family and friends or participate in telehealth appointments with your doctor. Each iPad offers Zoom, FaceTime and other exciting apps. The iPads are available 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday (weekends on a case-by-case basis.) Appointments must be made in advance by calling the Front Desk and asking for Kirk Turner or Crystal King in Service Coordination. They will get you all set up to use the iPad in the Activity Room.

Thanks to Mike’s Bikes for sponsoring yesterday’s meal

Please join me in thanking Mike Schwartz and Brigid Kenney for coordinating yesterday’s dinner donation for Cedar Lane residents. In addition to being owner of Mike’s Bikes in Great Mills, Mike Schwartz is the founder of Mike’s Food Fund, which has supported the community since 1983. The boxed meal of baked chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, mac n’ cheese and a roll was prepared by Clinton Robinson of Flavaz Catering & Food Services in Lexington Park. Thanks to you all for thinking of us at Cedar Lane.

 Friends of Cedar Lane will sponsor another free catered dinner for residents in February

Plans are underway for another boxed dinner, courtesy of Friends of Cedar Lane. We will share all the delicious details with you soon.

Join a Storytelling Broadcast on February 2

The Maryland Department of Aging is pleased to announce the launch of Share Your Life Stories, an initiative designed to address the issue of social isolation many older adults are experiencing as a result of COVID-19. Share Your Life Stories is designed to give older adults throughout the state a chance to engage and connect with others in a safe and creative environment. To watch and listen to the first Storytelling Broadcast, register online at or call (301) 916-6328 ext #2.

Thanks for taking the time to read this update and for being an engaged member of our community. Best wishes for the weekend. I hope to see most of you (at a safe social distance) at the vaccine clinic on Tuesday!


Beverly Stickles, President & CEO