April 3, 2020 COVID-19 Update

Dear Cedar Lane Community Members,

Many of us are experiencing moments of anxiety and concern given the unfamiliar times we are living in. As the number of COVID-19 cases in the US continue to rise, we are adapting our strategies and procedures to give our community as much protection as possible. I understand that what you’re being asked to do is incredibly difficult and a real hardship. This health emergency has left us with no choice. We must all be resilient. Here are this week’s news items:


As of today’s date, there are no known cases of COVID-19 at Cedar Lane. We are relying on you to ensure we have the best chance at keeping it this way.


Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has issued a “Stay at Home†order. The order, which went into effect March 30 at 8 p.m., restricts all Marylanders from leaving their homes except to go to essential jobs, visit grocery stores and pharmacies, to seek medical attention, or to exercise outdoors while maintaining appropriate social distancing. In the interest of our community members, we will aggressively enforce Governor Hogan’s executive orders. Residents who ignore the Governor’s directives will be considered in violation of their lease, due to jeopardizing the health, safety and welfare of fellow residents and Cedar Lane staff.


Members of the public, including family members and volunteers, may not enter Cedar Lane at this time. The State is prohibiting visitors in order to protect Cedar Lane residents, as this could be a matter of life or death for the most vulnerable members of our community. There are confirmed cases of COVID-19 in several retirement communities and nursing homes in Maryland. Our goal is to avoid an outbreak.


The State is requiring that everyone enter through the main entrance only. This includes all residents, essential employees and legitimate caregivers. All other doors are locked for entry. No one is allowed to enter through another door. Do not open a door for someone else. If you see a resident, caregiver or staff member opening a side or back door for someone, report the incident immediately to the Front Desk.


Only legitimate caregivers who meet State screening criteria will be permitted beyond the main entrance and the use of a facemask is highly recommended.    Once permitted to enter, they are to go directly to your apartment upon arrival and leave the building immediately after services have been provided.  Caregivers are not permitted in any other areas of campus. Residents are responsible for the actions of their caregivers.


Current staffing has necessitated a revision in staff hours and the possible canceling of personal housekeeping and laundry services.  If you have these services scheduled and we need to cancel, a staff member will call you in advance of your appointment.  We know this will be troubling for some of you and we are truly sorry to have to deliver this news.


Despite any rumors you may have heard, McKay’s will continue to deliver grocery orders to residents of Cedar Lane. Deliveries will come on Tuesdays for the Church Building, Wednesdays for the Colton-Weinberg Building, and Fridays for the Burch Building. To minimize potential exposure, McKay’s will drop orders off at the main entrance and Cedar Lane staff will deliver the groceries to residents’ apartments. Credit cards or checks are the preferred methods of payment. 


Cedar Lane residents who participate in the DOA&HS meal program will continue to receive meal kits on a weekly basis. Our next delivery is scheduled for Monday April 6, 2020. The kit will include ingredients for five lunch meals. Please note, this meal kit is not intended to serve as your sole food source. At this time, the DOA&HS can provide a maximum of 70 meals for Cedar Lane and we do have a waiting list.   If you no longer wish to participate in the lunch program, please call the Front Desk and remove your name.


April rent is due on April 6. Payment can be placed in the drop box located in the door of the Finance Office or in the lobby of the Church Building. Do not place cash in the drop boxes. The Finance Office will be closed until further notice.


I know isolating at home goes against every bone in your body.  I believe it is harder for Cedar Lane residents than people who live in other senior communities simply because of our vibrant activities program. Tonya’s exuberance radiates throughout our community and brightens all of our days.  We are healthier, smarter and happier because of the many activities we share together. Rest assured, as soon as we can, we will resume our activities schedule. Don’t forget to help yourself to the activities cart and tune in to the free movies on Channel 67. I want to give a big shout out to Tonya and Jen for the success of the “Stop in the Name of Life†video parody. Kudos to all of the residents and staff members featured in the video. Tonya will be adding it to the Cedar Lane movie channel early next week. If you have internet access, you can watch it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVhGQAuk_kE&t=6s


Would your family members like to receive our email updates? Call Wanda Fenwick at 301-475-8966 ext. 24, let her know your relative’s email address, and we will add them to our distribution list.


  • Stay at home and practice social distancing (this means keep at least 6 feet of distance between you and anyone you don’t already live with)
  • Washing your hands frequently with soap and water is best. If you are unable to wash your hands, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue away and wash your hands.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Clean and sanitize frequently touched objects in your apartment including your telephone, doorknobs, counter tops, toilet handles, cell phones, wheelchairs, canes and the handles of your walker or rollator.

Please be mindful that we are in a health emergency that may dictate more changes in procedure at any time.  We will do our absolute best to keep everyone well informed. When I think of all the tumultuous times we have lived through, from wars and recession to hurricanes and droughts, I know the people of Cedar Lane have what it takes to persevere. If you have a question, comment or concern, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me: 301-475-8966, ext. 24.


Beverly A. Stickles

President & CEO