Community Update – November 17

Dear Residents, Families and Friends,

Cedar Lane Senior Living Community just learned that a member of our extended community has tested positive for COVID-19. This person is not a resident or staff member, but a service provider hired by one of our residents. The service provider is receiving necessary treatment while isolating at home, per St. Mary’s County Health Department and CDC guidelines. The resident who employed the service provider is also isolating at home, pending the results of a COVID-19 test.

Risk of Exposure:

We realize a case of COVID-19 within our extended community creates a heightened sense of worry and concern. Due to the nature of this person’s visits to Cedar Lane, we believe the risk of exposure to Cedar Lane’s residents, staff and visitors is no greater than the risk of contracting the virus in the general community.

Maryland is in the Red Zone:

Not only is COVID-19 not going away, it is becoming more widespread. In his news briefing today, Governor Hogan reported that COVID-19 has killed more Marylanders than car accidents, gun violence and flu combined. In the past seven days, St. Mary’s County saw 157 new cases — the highest number yet — and a positivity rate of 7.51%.

Cedar Lane Visitation Restrictions Return:

In response to these numbers, I am revising the Cedar Lane visitation policy. Effective Thursday, November 19, 2020, only individuals providing vital support to residents will be allowed admittance to Cedar Lane. If you have questions or wish to discuss your specific needs, please contact Calvin Boozer.

With Rampant Community Spread, You Should Assume EVERYONE is Infected:

Social gatherings and events with non-household members, including smaller events with family and/or friends, are among the most common activities contributing to the spread of COVID-19.  This data indicates a strong community spread. Dr. Brewster, St. Mary’s County Health Officer, recommends that we limit interactions with individuals outside our household. With the holidays approaching, I know many of you want to spend time with family and friends, however I caution you to consider the risks. The more people you are exposed to, the greater your risk of becoming infected.

 You Are the Gatekeeper:

We are relying on you to make good decisions. You are responsible for yourself and the support personnel that you bring into Cedar Lane, whether they are family members or professional service providers. Insist that they go directly to your apartment, wash their hands upon entering your apartment, wear a mask at all times, and keep a safe distance of six feet or more from you and your neighbors unless they are administering personal care.

Keep an Eye on Your Own Health:

This virus can be deadly for the senior population and for those with underlying conditions. Routinely self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 including coughing, shortness of breath, fever, chills and shaking, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea and vomiting. If you are experiencing these symptoms, stay home and away from others, and call your personal healthcare provider to discuss COVID-19 testing. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, DO NOT leave your apartment except to get tested or seek medical care.  Anyone who is experiencing a medical emergency should call 9-1-1.

All of this news reinforces the critical need to continue practicing infection prevention measures, including the use of face coverings, handwashing and social distancing. I am sure you join me in hoping that this service provider experiences a full recovery from this devastating illness.



Beverly Stickles

President & CEO