Community Update – May 8, 2020

Dear residents, families, staff, caregivers and friends:

We are monitoring the continuing progression of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. I want to assure you that Cedar Lane is placing the health and wellness of its community members at the forefront of all decision-making as the days unfold.

COVID-19 update

As of today, there are no known cases of COVID-19 at Cedar Lane.

Maryland’s Roadmap to Recovery

While the stay at home order is still in place, it appears Maryland is moving in the right direction. Governor Hogan has released a Roadmap to Recovery designed to reopen Maryland gradually, once hospitalization rates, testing capability and surge capacity rates have reached targeted levels. If Marylanders continue to stay at home, the Governor believes we can achieve the rates we need to see and begin a slow, safe and effective path to recovery. We are not there yet. We still have a long road ahead of us. Please continue to wash your hands frequently, practice social distancing and wear your mask when outside your apartment.

Three Stages of Recovery

Maryland’s Roadmap to Recovery has divided businesses and activities into three stages: stage 1 is low risk, stage 2 is medium risk and stage 3 is high risk. We have not reached stage 1 yet. Large social gatherings and resuming visitation to communities like ours are in the high-risk stage. That means resuming meals in the dining room or permitting family members back in to visit are long-term goals. There are no projected dates for reaching any of the stages. We will continue to take our direction on these matters from Dr. Brewster, Health Officer for the St. Mary’s County Health Department.

PPE Supplies

Cedar Lane has a good supply of personal protective equipment for staff and residents. If your mask doesn’t fit correctly, or if it is already worn out from frequent washing, please contact Wanda Fenwick at 301-475-8966 ext. 24 for a replacement.

COVID-19 Testing

Maryland’s ability to test for the novel coronavirus has increased and we are a key demographic for testing. If you are experiencing shortness of breath, fever, cough, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or a new loss of taste or smell, please contact your health care provider and ask to be tested. If your physician won’t order a test, please let me know and I will make the call for you. If you are tested and told to isolate, please follow that directive and go straight to your apartment without stopping to speak to staff members or other residents. Common areas at Cedar Lane are not considered part of your safe isolation area.

Leonardtown Town Council Results

The annual town election took place on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. Mayor Dan Burris was reelected to the position of mayor and the two town council seats were filled by Nick Colvin and Jay Mattingly.

2020 Presidential Primary Election

The primary election has been postponed until June 2, 2020. Every eligible voter will automatically be mailed a ballot – you do not need to apply to receive a ballot by mail. Mark your choices with a black ink pen. You do not need a stamp to mail your ballot. If you need assistance, please contact Service Coordinator Kirk at 301-475-8966 ext. 14.

Happy Mother’s Day

I want to take this opportunity to wish a happy Mother’s Day to the moms at Cedar Lane. This will not be an easy day for many of us. We are all experiencing “social distancing fatigue†and we really miss seeing our family members and friends. I hope you are able to connect to the people you love in some way this weekend and for anyone who needs someone to talk to, live, highly trained service professionals are available by calling 2-1-1-. All calls are confidential.

Tell Us What You Want or Need

Cedar Lane continues to receive an outpouring of support from friends, family members of residents, and organizations in the community. If you have a particular need or want, we want to hear about it – whether you need a medication to be picked up from the pharmacy, prefer a specific category of snacks in the snack sack or long for a certain activity that you can do in your apartment. Please call Wanda Fenwick at 301-475-8966 ext. 24.  A huge thanks to those who have already provided this feedback.

Want to Help Us Say Thanks?

Several thoughtful residents have given us letters and cards to forward to our community supporters in thanks for their generous donations of masks, snack packs and other helpful items. Notes like these brighten the day of the people who are committed to making our time during “stay at home†orders more enjoyable. If you would like to contribute a thank you letter or card, simply drop it off at the front desk and Wanda will ensure it is delivered to the deserving person or organization.

I’m happy to close this week’s letter with the announcement that both the Cedar Lane news channel and the Cedar Lane movie channel have been repaired and are working once again.   

Please be safe and stay well.


Beverly A. Stickles

President & CEO